
04 Numeri

Numbers – By Perry Cotham

Outline INTRODUCTION:A. Why the title numbers for this bookB. A brief statement of its contents DISCUSSION:I. Divisions of the book and summary of its contents II. Symbolic lessons for the Christian from numbersA. Concerning Israel: Moses was sent as their leader; they believed on Moses; they turned from Egypt, the land of bondage; they passed through the Red Sea and were all saved out of Egypt; later they sinned and fell in the wilderness, and failed to enter the Promised Land.B. Concerning Christians: The sinner hears the gospel and believes …
03 Levitico

Leviticus – By Stanley Ship

Outline I. THE NAME II. THE AUTHOR: Moses III. SUBJECT MATTER __A. General statements: ____1. A code of law that governed the Hebrew nation is found in Leviticus ____2. A system of laws, administered by the Levitical preiesthood, under which the Hebrew nation lived __B. General division ____1. Chapters 1-17 contain what could be called laws of a negative character ____2. Chapters 18-26 contain what could be called laws of a positive character __C. Chapter Outline ____1. Chapters 1-7 — laws concerning sacrifices ____2. Chapters 8-10 — the mediatorship of …
02 Esodo

Exodus – By Bob Wilkerson

Outline Introduction In order for us to render due respect and admiration for the second book of the Bible, we need only remember the signification which the exodus out of Egypt and the making of the Covenant had for the people of Israel. Here was established a theocracy. Here was born a chosen people. Little wonder it is then that the echoes of this event should be heard reverberating down through the halls of the later historical literature, of the prophets, and of the Psalms. No wonder too that the …
01 Genesi

Genesis – by Howard Horton

Outline IntroductionA. “In the beginning”B. Creation of the heavens and the earthC. The six days: order set upon chaos DiscussionA. What is man?B. Sin__1. The fall__2. The curseC. Preparing for the Savior__1. The flood and a new beginning__2. Babel and human pride__3. Abraham, father of the faithful__4. Isaac, son of promise__5. Jacob, Prince of God__6. Joseph, instrument of Providence__7. Judah, father of Kings and The King Conclusion Introduction From in the beginning to the preparation for a Savior: this is the scope of Genesis, the first book of the Bible. …
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