
16 Nehemia

Nehemiah – By M. Norvel Young

Outline I. INTRODUCTION__A. Some historical background__B. The message of the book__C. The man NehemiahII. THE BOOK ITSELF__A. Nehemiah’s grief__B. Nehemiah’s prayerfulness__C. Answer to his prayer____1. Nehemiah and Artaxerxes____2. Return to Jerusalem__D. Survey and plan__E. The execution of the plan____1. Opposition from without____2. Opposition from within____3. Some reasons for success____4. More attempts at discouragement____5. SuccessIII. CONCLUSION Introduction Among the great historical records of the Old Testament is the book of Nehemiah. It sheds light upon a very important period in the history of Judaism. It is a straightforward narrative, very vivid, …
15 Esdra

Ezra – by Raymond C. Kelsey

Outline Introduction I. The return under Zerubbabel (1:1-2:70) II. Building Enterprises (3:1-6:22) III. The return of the second group (7:1-10:44) Conclusion Introduction Authorship: Jewish tradition has it that Ezra wrote Ezra and Nehemiah and then the two books of Chronicles. The style of the writing certainly points to the same author, and since much of the book of Ezra is in the first person singular, there is good reason to believe that Ezra wrote the entire book. In chapter 8 he speaks of those who went up with me from …
14 2Cronache

2 Chronicles – By George Tipps

Outline Introduction Discussion Conclusion– God’s blessings Introduction Jerome had a most exalted opinion of the books of Chronicles. According to him, they were “an epitome of the Old Testament.” In another place, speaking of the books of Chronicles, he asserts: “All scriptural knowledge is contained in these books.” After a study of the books of 1 and 2 Chronicles, you may not feel as strongly as Jerome felt concerning the books, but it is inevitable that you will feel much more strongly their relationship to you as a member of …
13 1Cronache

1 Chronicles – By J. Woodie Holden

Outline Introduction — A Few Practical Points about the Book__A. Time of writing, after captivity__B. The author of the book, Ezra__C. The name of the book signifies diaries, journals, or annals DiscussionI. A Brief Outline of the Book__A. Genealogies from Adam to Abraham (1:1-28)__B. From Abraham to the tribes (1:29-54)__C. Generations of the tribes (2 – 10)__D. The History of David____1. King of Judah (11:1-3)____2. King of all Israel (11:4-30)II. Meaningful Passages and Teachings in the Book__A. The story of Jabez (4:9-11)__B. The folly of Saul (10:13-15:29)__C. The first psalm …
12 2Re

2 Kings – by R. L. Roberts, Jr.

Outline I. The Title of the Book II. Its Prophetic Classification III. Outline of “2 Kings” with topics IV. Conclusion: The Value of the Book–Six Lessons for Christians Introduction The Hebrew canon is uniformly divided into three parts; its three groups are known as the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings. The Masoretic text(1), however, gives certain subdivisions within the second and third groups; the prophets are classified as Former, i.e. Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, and Latter (our major and minor prophets, from Isaiah to Malachi). Originally the two books …
11 1Re

1 Kings by Ted T. Stewart

Outline Introduction — A Brief Defense I. 1 Kings’ Authenticity____A. Authorship and date____B. Historical valueII. 1 Kings’ Purpose____A. Purpose for the Nation of Israel____B. Purpose for All NationsIII. 1 Kings’ Contents___A. Character of the Contents___B. Outline of the Contents Conclusion — 1 Kings’ Practical Importance and Final Note Introduction 1 Kings plays an important role in developing the Bible’s purpose: “the glorification of God and the salvation of man”(1). However, many disclaim the book’s authenticity. It is therefore necessary to briefly defend it as the truth of God’s word before …
10 2Samuele

2 Samuel – by Frank Van Dyke

Outline Introduction     A. 2 Samuel covers approximately 40 years of history of Israel.   B. Our purpose is to analyze the book, review its history, and show its relation to the general theme and purpose of the Bible. Discussion A. 2 Samuel may be divided into three parts. B. Some great lessons can be learned from this history. C. How is 2 Samuel related to the overall purpose of the Bible? Conclusion     A. 2 Samuel is a rich book — interesting in its history and significant because of its …
09 1Samuele

1 Samuel By Foy L. Kirkpatrick

Outline Introduction A. Purpose of the Bible: To glorify God and to save mankind B. Samuel reveals our dependence upon God and examples of proper behavior towards God DiscussionI. Passages which glorify God__A. The value of revelation (3:1 and 28:8-25)__B. Hannah’s desire for a son (chapter 1)__C. God’s help needed in battle____1. Samuel’s Ebenezer (chapter 7)____2. Jonathan (chapter 14)____3. David and Goliath (chapter 17)II. Passages illustrating proper behavior__A. Eli’s failure as a father (chapters 2 and 3)__B. Saul’s failure in obedience____1. Jealousy of David (chapter 18)____2. Contrasted with Jonathan and …
08 Ruth

Ruth by L. M. Rogers

Outline I. Introduction ___A. The Writing of the Book:______1. Date — unknown, but probably after the reign of David______2. Author — unknown, but some think Samuel______3. Type of writing — Historical______4. Message an purpose — God’s providential care: His use of both saint and sinner in the working of His purpose______5. Position in the Old Testament — Varies in different versions____B. The Canonical Authority of the Book______1. Generally accepted by all______2. New Testament recognition given____C. The Setting of the Book:______1. Time — when the judges ruled______2. Places — Bethlehem and …
07 Giudici

Judges By James O. Baird

Outline Introduction — Everything in the Bible is there with a purpose, so it is with the book of Judges. Discussion: Conclusion — Judges is a story of impermanent penitence. It reveals a God who gave the people up to a lower spiritual order at their own insistence.A. This meant they gave to their sons and daughters a poorer heritage spiritually than that which they had received.B. Is this what we are doing today? Introduction Judges is an easy book to read and an interesting one. I recall reading several …
06 Giosuè

Joshua – By Lem O. Rogers

Outline Introduction: The promises made to Abraham Discussion: Conclusion: The religious lessons of the book Introduction Joshua should be thought of as Jehovah’s captain. He is the man who in the Providence of God had the privilege of fulfilling one of the three great promises which God had made to Abraham when he called him out of Ur of the Chaldeans. More than 400 years earlier, God had promised that there would come a great nation through Abraham, and that in him all the families of the earth would be …
05 Deuteronomio

Deuteronomy – By Paul Southern

Outline Introduction — Name Discussion   I. Contents  II. Occasion and purpose  III. Characteristics IV. Authorship  V. Moral and spiritual values VI. Principal ideas Conclusion — Importance to the Christian Introduction The usual Hebrew title of the fifth book of the Pentateuch means “the word”, or, more fully written, “these words”. It was taken from the first words of the book. The title given in the English version comes from the Greek “deuteronomion”, which means “the second law”, or the repeated law. This name, however, does not necessarily mean a new legislation, but …
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