
27 Daniele

Daniel – By David Arnold

Outline Introduction:The importance of this book Discussion:I. The book and its author__A. The name given to this book__B. The leading character and his background____1. Little is know of his parents____2. A remarkable young man____3. His great conflict with evil and triumphant victory through God’s power____4. His selection to a place of honor____5. His being cast into the lion’s den, and God’s great deliverance__C. Miracles of this book and their purposeII. Prophecy concerning the never-ending kingdom__A. The king’s dream of Daniel 2, and Daniel’s interpretation____1. Four kingdoms of great power____2. The …
26 Ezechiele

Ezekiel – By Jack P. Lewis

Outline IntroductionA. The Historical Background of the BookB. The Prophet DiscussionC. The Message of Ezekiel___1. Jerusalem Must Be Destroyed_____a. Symbolic Actions_____b. Visions_____c. Allegories___2. Oracles on Foreign Nations___3. Oracles on Restoration___4. Points of Special Interest:_____a. Individual Responsibility_____b. Idolatry_____c. For the Sake of His NameD. Ezekiel and the Book of Revelation Conclusion — Ezekiel’s Value Introduction The Historical Background A detailed grasp of the historical and political setting of Ezekiel is an absolute requirement if a person is to understand the book. Following the fall of Nineveh in 612 B.C., the remnant …
25 Lamentazioni

Lamentations By L. L. Gieger

Outline IntroductionI. Sorrow Is Ever Present___A. Rebellion brings ruin___B. The deep purple of grief DiscussionII. The Time of the WritingIII. The Five Divisions of this Book___A. The Way of Wickedness______1. Moses’ threat fulfilled______2. The forsaken people___B. The Wrath of God______1. Poured out on sin______2. The forsaken God___C. The Weight of Sorrow______1. Compromise and decay______2. What else but repent?______3. Wrong does not produce happiness______4. Three avenues___D. The Want of Help______1. Left without standing______2. No real help without God___E. The Wreck of Sin______1. When the Lord no longer guards______2. A cloud of …
24 Geremia

Jeremiah – by Bill Banosky

Outline I. IntroductionWhat is the message of Jeremiah, and what is the relation of that message to the purpose of the Bible? II. The Book___A. Longest prophetic book in the Bible___B. Contains biography, history, and prophecy III. The Prophet___A. More information about Jeremiah than any other Old Testament figure___B. A Prefigurement of the Life of Christ_____1. Man of sorrows_____2. Close Communion with God IV. The MessageBoth negative and positive; both prophecy and history; both a problem and a solution___A. The Problem: Israel has forsaken the fountain of living waters and …
23 Isaia

Isaiah – By Johnny Ramsey

Outline I. Introduction__A. Background for Study____1. Dead Sea Scrolls____2. Isaiah’s message pertinent today____3. Lectureship theme ably illustrated by Isaiah__B. Key verses to show relationship____1. Luke 4:17–21; Isaiah 61____2. Isaiah 28; 40; 53; and 62 II. Discussion__A. The establishment of the Church____1. Isaiah 2____2. Acts 2__B. Isaiah’s message for Judah and Jerusalem____1. Retribution for sin____2. Salvation from sin__C. Prophesied under four kings____1. Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah____2. Idolatry; weakness of the nation; strength of enemies____3. Show the connection with 2 Kings 19__D. Jehovah-based deity upon the accuracy of prophecies____1. Three-fold purpose of …
22 Cantico dei Cantici

Song of Solomon By J. W. Roberts

Outline Introduction The assignment to deal with “Song of Songs” or the “Song of Solomon” is perhaps the most difficult of this lectureship. Had I been choosing a book of the Bible to speak on, it is perhaps the last book that would have been selected. This is not meant to be an apology beforehand for the attempt to be made, but it’s my way of calling attention to the fact that commentators of all ages have considered the book an enigma. Brother J. W. McGarvey once said that he …
21 Ecclesiaste

Ecclesiaste Di Guy N. Woods

Schema Introduzione       A. Importanza di questo libro nel nostro tempo      B. Testo (1:2; 12:8)      C. Progetto                  1. Mostrare l’incapacità di tutti gli schemi terreni di produrre felicità.                  2. Indirizzare il lettore verso la Fonte di ogni Bene Discussione  A. L’autore e l’epoca di composizione      1. Modalità di identificazione      2. Le qualifiche per la scrittura B. Tema      1. Dichiarazione dell’autore      2. Esperienza dell’autore      3. Analisi del libro e dei fatti che lo riguardano C. La ricerca della felicità di Salomone – un esperimento di vita      1. Nella saggezza      2. Nella ricchezza      …
21 Ecclesiaste

Ecclesiastes – By Guy N. Woods

Outline IntroductionA. The importance of the book in our dayB. Text (Eccles. 1:2; 12:8)C. Design__1. Shows the inability of all earthly schemes to produce happiness.__2. Directs the reader to the Fountain of all Good DiscussionA. The author and time of composition__1. Manner of identification__2. Qualifications for writingB. Theme__1. Statement of the author__2. Experiences of the author__3. An analysis of the book and facts concerning itC. Solomon’s search for happiness — an experiment in living__1. In wisdom__2. In wealth__3. In prominence, power, prestige__4. In pleasure ConclusionA. Results of the experiment__1. Vanity …
20 Proverbi

Proverbs – By Ralph Starling

Outline Introduction A. AuthorshipB. Evidence for Universal UseC. God’s Hand Discussion: Fear God and Do His Commandments A. Duty to GodB. Duty to SelfC. Duty to NeighborsD. Duty to Domestic AffairsE. Duty to Civil and Political Economy Conclusion — Based on Solomon’s Latter Days Introduction While various portions of scriptures have been disputed and authors of different books debated, “scarcely any dispute concerning the author of Divine authority”(1) of this book has been heard. It has indeed been supposed that Solomon collected the major part of these proverbs allowing some …
19 Salmi

Psalms – By Neil R. Lightfoot

Outline I. Introduction__A. Titles__B. General makeup, including five divisions____1. Book I, Ps. 1-41____2. Book II, Ps. 42-72____3. Book III, Ps. 73-89____4. Book IV, Ps. 90-106____5. Book V, Ps. 107-150__C. Superscriptions__D. Authorship – Reasons for believing David wrote some psalms____1. His time in history____2. His ability as poet____3. His suitable personal characteristics____4. Witness of the OT writers____5. Witness of the NT writers II. Discussion__A. The Psalms as Poetry — Types of Hebrew parallelism:____1. Synonymous (Ps. 19:1-2)____2. Antithetic (Ps. 1:6)____3. Synthetic (Ps. 19:7-8)__B. The Psalms as History____1. Connection between literature and history____2. …
18 Giobbe

Job – J. D. Thomas

Outline Introduction — The greatest single literary production of all time Discussion: I. Prologue__A. The first court scene__B. The second court scene__C. The testing was without causeII. The three friends__A. Job is impatient__B. The friends’ accusations hurt Job__C. Job supplicates and remembers God__D. Job won the debate with his friendsIII. His loss of confidence made his suffering worseIV. Elihu – a young man with “all the answers”V. Jehovah’s speeches__A. Purpose – To restore implicit faith__B. Gave Job an examination__C. Job’s faith buried in his own self-concernVI. Job’s confessionVII. To believe …
17 Ester

Esther – by Foy L. Smith

Outline Introduction Discussion Conclusion Introduction The Book of Esther is, as the name Esther signifies, a “Star”. It is a gem of the Old Testament scriptures. This book, which can inspire and encourage us so much, is seldom truly studied and exploited to the fullest. I never go to a new place to preach that I do not teach the Book of Esther as soon as I can after arriving. The Jews had returned from captivity and are back in their own land. This book shows how the providence of …
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