
Introduction — A Brief Defense

I. 1 Kings’ Authenticity
____A. Authorship and date
____B. Historical value
II. 1 Kings’ Purpose
____A. Purpose for the Nation of Israel
____B. Purpose for All Nations
III. 1 Kings’ Contents
___A. Character of the Contents
___B. Outline of the Contents

Conclusion — 1 Kings’ Practical Importance and Final Note


1 Kings plays an important role in developing the Bible’s purpose: “the glorification of God and the salvation of man”(1). However, many disclaim the book’s authenticity. It is therefore necessary to briefly defend it as the truth of God’s word before discussing purpose, contents, and importance.


1 Kings’ Authenticity, Authorship, and Date.

Most scholars conclude the same man wrote both 1 and 2 Kings because: 1) both are joined as one book in the Hebrew Bible; 2) narratives of each are incomplete without the other; 3) both contain the same characteristic style (2). Modernistic scholarship contends the book was composed in two editions: c. 600 BC and another c. 550 BC when certain additions were made (3). However, there is no concrete evidence supporting this view, and since it is based on a false proposition (which will be elaborated later), it should be rejected.

Jewish tradition names Jeremiah as the author. This is unlikely since the book was probably written in Babylon (2 Kings 25) at the time Jeremiah was in Egypt (Jer. 43:1-8). However, the author is probably some prophet because the ancient Hebrew canon lists it as one of the “Former Prophets”, and its contents emphasize the prophetic ministry and viewpoint (4). Since the last recorded event of 2 Kings ends in Babylon with no reference to deliverance, the date is probably c. 550 BC.

Under divine inspiration the author used other documents to compose his work: Book of the Acts of Solomon (11:41), Book of The Chronicles of the Kings of Judah (14:29), Book of The Chronicles of the Kings of Israel (14:19). These are probably inspired prophetic records, for passages in 1 Kings attributed to the above sources are quoted verbatim in Chronicles and attributed to the books of certain prophets: 1 Kings 11:41 and 2 Chronicles 9:29 (5).

Historical Value.

Most modernistic scholars discredit the historical accuracy of 1 Kings. They contend the history is unreliable because the author changed any historical fact that did not agree with his religious theory (6). This, however, is unconfirmed by facts but is based on the erroneous philosophical assumption that religious thought slowly evolved and that the Deuteronomic teaching found in 1 Kings originated not with Moses but at the time 1 Kings was written, centuries later. It is further argued that the history has been embellished with legends and characters “idealized” by projecting into the past religious conceptions “belonging to much later ages” (7). Elijah’s miracles and Solomon’s glory are thought examples of the legends. The theological concepts in Solomon’s dialogues are considered too far advanced for his time. These contentions are also based on the false presupposition that miracles are impossible and that a supernatural God could not have revealed deep theological concepts at an earlier time.

Alleged contradictions are also presented as evidence against the book’s historical credibility. The passage 3:2-3 is thought to contradict 3:4; 8:44-52 is alleged to be a specific reference to Babylonian exile inserted into Solomon’s speech; 14:9 is thought to imply previous kings of Israel to Jeroboam; the altars of Elijah’s time (18:30; 19:10) are said to contradict 3:3. However, all of these are based on misinterpretations of scripture. A careful and unprejudiced examination explains the difficulties: see Keil’s explanations (8). Chronological discrepancies are offered as further evidence of unreliability.

Differences with Chronicles are noted: 1 Kings 4:26 says Solomon had 40,000 stalls of horses, but 2 Chronicles 9:25 says that he had 4,000; 1 Kings 7:15 gives 18 cubits as the height of the pillars, but 2 Chronicles 3:14 says 35 cubits. These are probably mistakes in scribal transmission of the text. 2 Chronicles 9:25 (4,000), and 1 Kings 7:15 probably give the correct numbers (9). The letters representing these numbers above are very similar and could have easily been mistaken through frequent copying by scribes. Carelessly written letters or worn manuscripts may have contributed to this. Scribal errors are not uncommon as confirmed by the frequent differences in numbers found between the Greek versions of the Old Testament (LXX) and the Hebrew manuscripts. These few differences are certainly insufficient to invalidate the book’s history, and there is no substantial evidence to believe in harmonizing the number of years of each King’s reign, but this can largely be accounted for by the Jew’s policy of counting any part of a year as a whole year. The 480 years from The Exodus to the temple (1 Kings 6:1) is thought too large, but this is based on the unsubstantiated early date of the exodus. Therefore, the evidence offered against the book’s authenticity is seen to be very weak and certainly not conclusive.

On the other hand, many strong evidences confirm the book’s authenticity. Psychology is in agreement with the case of Solomon’s apostasy after his great wealth and many wives, though the critics think this order was changed by the prophets (10). If the existence of a supernatural God is granted, the miracles of Elijah’s day are most logical in view of the dark period of crisis in which the worship of Jehovah was about to be stamped out by idolatry. Furthermore, New Testament writers place their stamp of approval on the book’s truthfulness, including the supernatural portions: the glory of Solomon (Matthew 6:29; Acts 7:47), the activities of Elijah (Matthew 11:14; Luke 4:25-27; 9:8; 11:2-4, James 5:17-18), and Jezebel (Revelation 2: 20) (11). If the New Testament is accepted as God’s word, so must 1 Kings be accepted.

Archeology and secular history have uncovered some interesting and weighty evidence in favor of 1 King’s accuracy. The reign of Solomon and his relations with Hiram are mentioned by the Tyrian histories (according to Josephus). The proficiency of the Zidonians in the mechanical arts and knowledge of the sea (1 Kings 5:6) is attested both by Homer and Herodotus. The invasion of Judah by Shishak in Rehoboam’s reign (14:25) is proved by the inscription of Karnak (12). The stables of Solomon’s horses in Megiddo (10:26-28; 9:15-19) have been discovered. Solomon smelters and furnaces for the making of his navy of ships at Ezion-Geber (9:26) have been found. The great stones of 10 cubits and the walls they formed in Jerusalem (7:9 -12; 9:15) have been uncovered; Solomon’s repairs are also evident (11:27). Omri, king of Israel (16, 21-28) is mentioned by the Moabite Stone (850 BC), and in the inscription of Adad Nirari, 808-783 BC. The Black Obelisk of Shamaneser III, 860-825, speaks of tribute from Jehu, “successor of Omri”. Omri’s founding of Samaria (16:24) and his palace there is now verified. The rebuilding of Jericho after 500 years of desolation (16:34) has been confirmed though once doubted. The finding of a temple of Ashtoreth, goddess wife of Baal, authenticates the worship of Baal during Ahab’s days. An inscription of Shalmaneser, 860-825 BC, mentions, “I destroyed 2,000 chariots and 10,000 men of Ahab, king of Israel.” Ahab’s “ivory house” (22:39) was discovered, and within it were found saucers and small stone boxes containing stains from cosmetics used by Jezebel (9:30) (13). Archeology continues to prove the authenticity not only of 1 Kings but of the entire Bible as well.

1 Kings’ Purpose.

Purpose for Israel. Liberal scholarship says the purpose was an effort by the prophets of 600 BC to “establish their teaching as the official, national religion of the kingdom of Judah.” This teaching is alleged to be: one worship of one God in one place, Jerusalem, with temporal reward or punishment for obedience or disobedience, respectively (14). This view, however, is based on the above discussed liberal theories. The teaching stated above was not “new” to the 6th and 7th centuries, but the old teaching of Moses in the Law.

Viewing the book in its historical background, a very distinct purpose can be discovered. When the book was written, the nation was shackled in the bonds of Babylonian captivity. God had warned He would punish the nation if it sinned (1 Kings 9:7-9). However, He also promised He would restore the nation if it repented (1 Kings 8:33-34, 47-50; 9:3). A need existed to remind the people of these promises and to exhort them to repentance. The prophets could not have chosen a better way to meet this need than to record the history of the nation, reminding them of the great glory the nation attained when faithful to God and of the degradation and punishment it endured when disobedient. This would show the reason for their own captivity and move them to repent and trust in Jehovah. Such a purpose explains the book’s emphasis on the prophetic ministry and why each king is judged according to his faithfulness or disobedience to Moses’s Law. This purpose can best be seen in contrast to the purpose of the books of Chronicles. The Chronicles were apparently written after the Kings between 450 and 425 BC (15). The emphasis is from the priestly rather than prophetic point of view. The significance of Jerusalem, the temple, and its worship is emphasized much more in Chronicles than in Kings. Since the book was written after the return to Palestine, there was a need to emphasize the worship of God in Jerusalem in order to motivate them to rebuild the temple and the city and to yield in obedience to the Law. Thus both Kings and Chronicles cover the same territory but from two different points of view and purposes.

Purpose for all nations.

1 Kings also fills an important need with respect to the salvation of all nations. The preservation of the Davidic seed was only a further development and fulfillment of the promise to Abraham to bless the entire world through Christ. God punished the descendants of Judah when they sinned, but because of His promise to Abraham and David, He preserved this lineage (see 2 Samuel 7:12-15; Psalm 89:28-34). Thus, when Judah’s punishment is being meted out, 1 Kings 11:39 notes, “And I will for this afflict the seed of David, but not forever” (See also 1 Kings 11:13). The history of 1 Kings thus lays the historical foundation for Christianity by demonstrating the providence of God as He intervened in the affairs of national Israel, preserving David’s seed until the Christ should come. Thus, the ultimate purpose is the salvation of the whole world by the establishment of spiritual Israel as his true people.

1 Kings’ Contents.

Character of contents. 1 Kings’ contents are better understood when combined with 2 Kings. 1 Kings ends in the middle of King Ahaziah’s reign; 2 Kings begins exactly where 1 Kings ends. Together, three great periods of Jewish history are covered: 1) the United Kingdom under Solomon (1 Kings 1-11); 2) the Divided Kingdom to the fall of Israel (1 Kings 11-2 Kings 17); 3) the Kingdom of Judah to its exile into Babylon (2 Kings 18-25). 1 Kings covers the rise, glory, division, and apostasy of the Jewish kingdom.

2 Kings contains the latter history of the Divided Kingdom and afterwards of Judah before it went into captivity. The period of the Divided Kingdom discusses both kingdoms contemporaneously, noting the years of accession and death as they relate to the reign of the king in the other kingdom, and commenting on the faithfulness of each to the Mosaic Law. The kings of Judah had mentioned in addition their age of accession and name of their mother. Considerable attention is given to the part that the prophets played during these reigns with special emphasis on the ministry of Elijah during the critical time that the worship of Jehovah was almost stamped out of Israel by Baal worship.

Outline of Contents.

I. The Kingdom under Solomon (1:1-11:43)
__A. Inauguration to the throne by David (1:1-2:11)
__B. Rise to glory through:
____1. Destruction of enemies
____2. Marriage to the Egyptian king’s daughter
____3. Humble prayer for wisdom
__C. Wisdom and Splendor (3:16-4:34)
__D. Building and dedication of the Temple (5:1-9:9)
__E. Completion of work and the Queen of Sheba’s visit (9:10-10:29)
__F. Apostasy and Decline (11:1-43)
II. The Divided Kingdom (12:1-22:53)
__A. The division of the Kingdom (12:1-14:31)
____1. Revolt of 10 tribes under Jeroboam
____2. Jeroboam’s apostasy
____3. Rehoboam’s apostasy and loss of wealth
__B. Early Wars between Israel and Judah (15:1-16:28)
__C. Ahab’s apostasy and Elijah’s Ministry (16:29-22:40)
__D. Establishment of friendship between the two kingdoms (22:40-53)


1 Kings’ Practical Importance

In addition to the main purposes elaborated above, there are other matters in which 1 Kings is of great practical importance.
Enables Better Understanding of Other Books. Parts of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon were written during the time of history covered by 1 Kings. Many passages in these books are better understood when viewed in light of the historical setting found in 1 Kings. Many of the predictions in Psalms find their fulfillment in 1 Kings. A number of references are made to the history of 1 Kings in other Old Testament as well as New Testament books. Thus, a better understanding of the entire Bible results from a knowledge of 1 Kings’ contents.

Explains the Nature of the Abrahamic Covenant. Premillennialists argue that the Abrahamic covenant has never been fulfilled. They say the occupancy of the land mentioned in Genesis 15:18, the great nation of Genesis 12:2, and the peace of Genesis 22:17 have never existed. However, 1 Kings 4:20-25 and the greatness of the nation under Solomon demonstrate that the covenant was fulfilled (see also Joshua 21:43-44; 23:14; 2 Samuel 7:23). 1 Kings reveals that the Abrahamic covenant had two provisions: 1) one was conditional upon Israel’s faithfulness and covered the temporal blessings (1 Kings 9:4-9); 2) the other was unconditional and concerned the preservation of David’s seed (1 Kings 11:39).

Reveals God’s Providence. 1 Kings reveals the providential hand of God as He constantly intervened in Israel’s history to work out His plans and purposes for all mankind.

Warns Against Apostasy. The example of Solomon who once faithfully served Jehovah (1 Kings 8-9) but later fell into idolatry (11:4) exemplifies the possibility of apostasy. The punishment of all the kings who continued to disobey is an admonition to all who refuse to obey in this day as well.

Exhorts to Faith and Obedience. 1 Kings illustrates the principles of faith and obedience to God’s covenant that have always been required for acceptance with Him. The lives of the great prophets such as Elijah who courageously stood against the influences of evil challenge the followers of God in every age to greater zeal and faithfulness.

Final Note.

In summary may it be said that 1 Kings stands the test as an authentic production of inspired literature; truly it is part of God’s Holy Word. Its purpose was twofold: 1) to move the exiled Jews to repentance, and 2) to trace through the trying times of Israel’s history the fulfillment of God’s promise to preserve David’s seed until the Christ should come. It thus fills the needs of both the nation of Israel and all other nations of the earth. Its contents contain some of the most moving, exciting, and spectacular stories ever written. Its teaching is of great practical importance to the modern-day Christian.

Therefore, may 1 Kings never be looked upon as a book of dry Jewish history, but rather let it be counted as one of the great important portions of the Greatest Book on earth, the Bible.


  1. Ft. Worth Christian College Lectureship Committee.
  2. J. Hammond, The Pulpit Commentary: Kings (Chicago: Wilcox and Follett, no date), XI, ii-iii; W. Stearns, “Book of Kings” in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1939), volume III, 1808.
  3. N. Snaith, The Interpreter’s Bible: Kings (New York: Abingdon Press, 1954), 6-10.
  4. E. Young, An Introduction to the Old Testament (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1958), 167, 202.
  5. Hammond, xii-xiii.
  6. ”Kings,” The New International Encyclopedia (New York: Dodd, Mead, & Company, 1920), XIII, 248-249.
  7. Ibid.
  8. C. Keil, Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament: The Book of the Kings (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, no date, 40,129, 132, 210, 247.
  9. Hammond, xv.
  10. Young, 204.
  11. Hammond, xiv.
  12. Ibid.
  13. H. Halley, Bible Handbook (Chicago: Halley, 1959), 182-183, 187-189.
  14. Snaith, 6-10.
  15. Young, 413.

Questions for Class Discussion

  1. What are the main views of date and authorship and the sources used by the writer? Can an inspired writer use other documents?
  2. What is the erroneous presupposition of modernistic thinking?
  3. How does the New Testament note its approval of 1 Kings as God’s word?
  4. Name some of the archaeological evidence that confirms 1 Kings.
  5. What are the two main purposes fulfilled by 1 Kings?
  6. What are the differences in contents and purposes between Kings and Chronicles?
  7. What three periods of history are covered by 1 and 2 Kings together?
  8. Make a detailed outline of 1 Kings’ contents.
  9. Explain 1 Kings’ relation to the covenant with Abraham. What two provisions are found?
  10. How can 1 Kings help to explain other biblical books?
  11. How does 1 Kings warn against apostasy (falling away)?


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